Now, Dr Joolz has raised an important point: just how lucky I am to have
real friends (very true Dr Joolz, very true) to share my birthday with ... so I thought that I should point out that the friends who came for Paul's
fiftieth and my
not nearly fiftieth birthday are in fact friends from some
24 years ago, when we all (recent spouses excepted/ accepted too mainly!) belonged to that hotbed of thespian talent -
Epsom Youth Theatre. Oh we were good. We were very, very good - and all I can say is that given the time and inclination, I would scan in some 'photographs' from the predigi era to share with you. Another time perhaps.
ANYWAY by Saturday evening, other EYT members had arrived to celebrate with us. Here are Sarah and Robert. Sarah has played many great parts in her time, including Anne Frank and a baby Kangaroo. I am not sure what or who Robert has played as he is an accepted spouse, but he sure does know his wine.

Steve and Jackie turned up too. Stephen's defining moment came as a waiter who couldn't say his 'Rs'. THAT was a weal show stopper. Jackie has many talents too. Even in a sling. Enough said.

Below, I shall recount the evening in as much digiglory as I have the courage too. It did involve singing, and acting, and speeches, and balloons, and abuse, and outrageous flirtation, oh and did I mention eating and drinking too much? - infact, all the things that we were learning to do some 24 years ago, which just shows that true inculcation cannot be deviated from no matter how grand you might become in the meantime.
Here we go then:

Yes. I am afraid that I did climb the cage that protected the wine cellar in a thong, wearing handcuffs - but HEY that's what you do with REAL friends.
Now, I could go on and recount the boat trip on Sunday or the curry on Sunday evening, or the actual walk on my actual birthday on Monday - but I just can't be bothered. It has taken a long time I know, but I have bored myself so BYE BYE BIRTHDAY for another year, and here's to 39!!!!!!! (Paul will be 51 and not worth inviting anymore).